Inland Northwest Diaper Bank is a program of Spokane Valley Partners Food Bank and Family Services. In 2018 Spokane Valley Partners absorbed the region’s sole diaper bank and now distributes over 300,000 diapers annually to vulnerable babies. Diapers are distributed at no charge to partner agencies in 5 counties. Inland Northwest Diaper Bank is here to assist community agencies serving families through Eastern Washington and into Northern Idaho. With a mix of low barrier and case managed clients, partner agencies work to improve the lives of children and their families. Partner agencies are selected because they have successful programs to help at risk children.
As a member of the National Diaper Network Spokane Valley Partners can purchase diapers at a drastically reduced cost. However, diaper drives and in-kind diaper donations are CRITICAL for Spokane Valley Partners to continue to fulfill the mission of Inland NW Diaper Bank and support the great work our benefiting agencies.

Thank you to our generous partners for investing in
families and children in our community.